Saturday, November 28, 2009


I think this is the earliest we have ever gotten our Christmas lights up.  If we didn't have a couple of elves (aka Grammy and Grandpa) to help us, I don't think we'd have gotten them up for another couple of weeks.  

And to make the day extra memorable, Lainey tripped going down the front stairs and gave herself a fat, bloody lip.  After all the bleeding and crying had stopped, all Mommy could think about, besides that my poor baby girl was bloodied up, was that we were having family pictures done the next day and how fabulous she was going to look.  Oh well, now we have a day after Thanksgiving memory.


Mary Liz said...

OH, poor punky. She looks tough. Lights, now they look grand! Hug the injured for us. Love, GML

Deanna said...

Poor baby girl! She needs some auntie kisses pronto.