Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My babies

Grammy went home today and we are all missing her.  She takes such good care of all of us. It's almost worth getting sick so we can have her back.   Almost, but not quite!!

Yesterday, after playing a little t-ball outside, we took out the "pinano" and had a dance party.  Lainey was pretty good about showing her little brother how to play it.  She danced around the house like a little maniac, having Daddy chase her while Beau was mesmerized by the keys when they lit up.

I spotted Lainey on the couch watching "Ice Cream" or as we know it, Ice Age and gone was my baby.  She is a preschooler now and the moments where I see the baby girl I brought home almost three years ago are getting rarer.  Now she answers me with full sentences, has opinions and thoughts all her own and is not afraid of expressing her wishes.  Lately I've gotten pretty stressed over her strong will and have trying to find ways to "fix" it.  It occurred to me that I get hugs and kisses every day and that parenthood is a marathon, not a race.  So instead of trying to "fix" it, I'm going to work with it and guide her as best I can.  And those precious moments in between, I'm going to savor and burn into my memory and heart.


Karlyn Frantsen said...

Great photos AND words!!!

Mary Liz said...

When did the pinano arrive?? It looks like a clavinova. Cute pictures. I get jealous being the far away grandma. Love to all, GML