Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 09

I knew something was going to go wrong today when last night, I was not stressed out over the meal AT ALL. I was calm as a cucumber, very unlike me the night before cooking a big meal.  I shook it off, went to bed and woke up this morning to a frozen turkey.  Not good.  We got it thawed in time to eat today thankfully but ended up undercooking it a bit and in the end, came away with something that resembled a Griswold turkey a little too much for my taste.  On top of that, my potatoes tasted good but were full of lumps even though I hand mashed them and ran them through the mixer, the gravy was runny, and the green bean dish was just "off."  Not my best meal.  I should note that I am a very harsh judge of my cooking abilities, or lack thereof, and usually am fairly happy with the results of my thanksgiving efforts.

However.....this is Beau's first Thanksgiving, one of the many many blessings in my life along with Lainey, Robert, my in-laws, sister, Dad, Mary Liz, Lainey and Beau's birth mommies and everyone reading this.  I am so thankful for all of you and love you all very much.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Interesting reading on the right of Beau's photo. Looks like a fine turkey, I can hardly see the frost. Don't feel bad, I made scalloped corn for your Dad and it wasn't done with the meal so I let it cook. Forgot about it and now have wallpaper glue with corn chunks. Missed you all. Love, GML