Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lunch with Daddy

I asked Lainey what she wanted to do today and she said, "Let's go see Daddy!" so we called him and luckily, he had time to have lunch with us today.  Since it's been quite some time since we had lunch with Daddy during the week, we decided to wear a dress.  While we waited for Beau to wake up from his nap, we had a little photo session with the pumpkins out on the porch.  At lunch Lainey shocked us by eating all of Robert's sushi.  The girl won't touch anything resembling potatoes (except french fries of course) but she asks for salmon sashimi.  Proof that women really do not make any sense from a very early age! But, in this case, I'll gladly take a child that likes and asks for sushi over one that eats nothing but potatoes, any day!

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