Sunday, December 21, 2008

Latest Milestone Achievement-UPDATED

I knew this day was coming but I had hoped it wouldn't be for awhile. After putting Lainey down for her nap yesterday, Robert and I settled in on the couch, all comfy with blankets and a movie when we heard a clang come from somewhere in the house. We looked at each other and at the same time, said, "No way!" and headed for the stairs. About halfway up we were greeted by Lainey! She figured out how to get out of her crib and silently I might add! Her face and feet were red from the physical exertion of her attempts. After a mad dash to the store (in the middle of the biggest snowstorm to hit Seattle in ten years) to get babyproofing supplies for our budding gymnast/acrobat. We turned her crib into a toddler bed and frantically tried to figure out a way of convincing her to sleep in it. Robert spent 2 1/2 hours reading, holding and singing to her and finally got her to sleep. I was QUITE impressed with him! He's got some major talent when it comes to this child let me tell you! At 2:30am we were awakened by crying and Daddy went to try his magic a second time. No such luck so we moved her pack and play with a crib tent attached to the top into her room. We are attempting to get her used to her bed but she's not interested in the least and until we wear her down, it's the cage for this one.

As for the video, I wanted to see how she was climbing out and wanted to document the milestone.

Update: Lainey has been starting out the night in her bed and when she wakes up in the night we put her in the pack and play. Today I put her in the pack and play for nap and of course she didn't sleep. After a little while I went up to check on her and had a funny feeling she wasn't in it anymore. I opened the door to a crying child and all I could say was, "OH, MY GOSH!" She got into everything that wasn't bolted down!

She not only got the crib tent (attached by clamps I might add) off the pack play, she tossed it across the room! Robert put bungee cords on it tonight so we'll see what happens. I am quite possibly going to lose my mind before the week is over.


Anonymous said...

She is just amazing. Life is now going to get even more interesting. Hey, How 'bout them there Seahawks?!?! Love, GML

Mary Liz said...

Anonymous, I don't know what happened there.