Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas morning

When Lainey saw this big package in the living room she said, "No, no, nooooo!" But since it took Santa and his elf 4 1/2 HOURS to put it together, by golly she was going to unwrap it!!! After I put the first rip in the paper she dug right in and has been playing with it ever since. She really wasn't interested in opening any other presents after this one. It's been a treat watching her make coffee, use the mixer to make soup and hang up her utensils. Maybe she's develop a love of cooking that her mother definitely doesn't have!

Oooooooh! What's this?
Making coffee

Taking a break from cooking to chat with Grandma Reid

Our backyard this wonderful white Christmas. I love having snow for Christmas morning but I'm ready for the rain to take it away! Never thought I'd be hoping for rain!
That's a definite first!

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