Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Top 12 Memories of 2008

It was really hard to narrow the list down to one for each month. We are thankful for all the new friends we've made, for all the old ones that have stuck with us, and all the fun times we shared with all of you.

Lainey and Daddy enjoying their music class together. This is where Lainey officially took her first steps

Lainey started standing up all by herself

Probably our most memorable month, but I think the biggest experience was Lainey's first birthday

Lainey started walking!

We took a family vacation to Maui

We officially entered the adoption wait pool. June 19th I mailed our portfolio.

Got the call that a birthmother wanted to meet us on the 23rd. That was fast!

The Davis family drove all the way from North Dakota to visit us.

We met Jennifer in Spokane and learned we are getting a boy!

Lainey's first time trick or treating with the neighbor kids and her two best friends, Ellie and Paige

We took the train to North Dakota to spend Thanksgiving with the Davis family

Watching Lainey play in the snow

2009 is looking to be another exciting year for the Reid's. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Beau Davis Reid, the fourth member of our little family. I'm looking forward to experiencing the baby thing again while Robert is excited to have a son and another male in the house finally. Lainey on the other hand, really has no idea what's coming but I have a feeling she's going to love having a real live baby in the house. She'll probably think he's hers!

We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and very blessed 2009.
Lainey, Nicole & Robert

Our favorite photo from 2008

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