Sunday, December 7, 2008

Overdue North Dakota Trip Pics

I'm way overdue in posting pics from our trip to North Dakota for Thanksgiving with the Davis'. I love visiting my family. Nobody gets me like they do. Even though I never lived in North Dakota, when I visit my dad, I feel like I'm home. I started missing them before the train pulled out of the station and now looking through the photos I'm starting to miss them all over again.

Robert and I both got our fun out of North Dakota by going flying with my dad and pheasant "roody" hunting. Robert actually killed one whereas I drove the getaway vehicle. I did get to see 8 moose from the plane though.

Lainey had a great time and seemed to put on quite a show for us all. She's decided she likes climbing onto the top of the table, wearing glasses but not hats, sharing cinnamon sugar popcorn (soooo good!) with Grandpa, fish tanks, playing the piano with Grandma Mary Liz, playing with Kid E, Buddy and watching Hi-5 with her best pal Lacy.

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