Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Tree Trial Run

We had plans of buying a tree last night, even found one we liked on a tree lot.  But when I found out the tree might have been sitting on the lot for almost a week without any water and was almost $70, well, that was the end of that.  I remembered that we have a little 4 foot artificial tree that I used to put in one of the windows in our old house.  I bought some shatterproof ornaments and we decided to see how the kids would do with a tree.  To say it's been popular is a massive understatement.  I tried to limit how many ornaments were out but the little munchkins found my stash.  Silly Mommy didn't realize that anything shaped like a ball was going to be a huge hit with Beau and he has at least two of the ornaments in his hands at all times.  Correction, he carries them around when he's not throwing them.  Lainey likes to take the ornaments apart and alternately take them off and put them back on the tree.  Thankfully, the tree was prestrung with lights and they haven't figured out how to get them off. Yet, that is.  I don't have the energy or patience to keep them out of a real tree so this will have to do for this year.   
Beau hugged the tree the first time he saw it. You can't do that with a big tree!

Lainey kept talking about how beautiful the tree was and how she loved it.

Lainey tried her hardest to put the ornaments on the tree.  She did an great job!

And did an even better job taking them off the tree!

Beau didn't bother with the little strings. He just shoved them into the tree. He'd be a great tree decorator if the tree was really bushy.

Must touch the tree. Must touch the tree. Must touch the tree.

And look at that, they are playing so nice together.  Too bad it's at undecorating our tree!

But, it's their tree after all. They can do whatever they want to it this year.  It's so not worth the stress of keeping them out of it.  And so far, knock on wood, those ornaments have not shattered!  Now Mommy is going to go and buy herself something pretty with the $70 she saved.


Karlyn Frantsen said...

Your pictures are beautiful! Have you spent the $70 yet?

Mary Liz said...

I decorated the basement tree last weekend and on it I hung some of the very ornaments my mother put on our tree when Tom and I were toddlers. I know you aren't a hoarder like me, but I treasure those ornaments and think how far they have come, as once cheap plastic baubles.