Thursday, December 30, 2010

3 in a day

Yesterday I took the kids to Twirl, a cafe/playspace for kids. They have supervised play on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-noon.  With school out for the holidays, it was extremely busy with lots of kids.  It seems I wasn't the only mom who needed a break!  Beau and Lainey both really liked playing in their climbing area.  I think it's more suitable for Beau's age but Lainey didn't want to leave so what do I know.  Beau took a tumble down the stairs and bumped his head good, leaving a bruise just over his right eye.  I'm not one to freak out over the slightest bump on the head. If you've spent any time at all with these two, you know how they play.  
About two minutes after I took this photo of the two of them coloring in their Color Wonder books together, Beau fell off the chair, landing directly on his forehead.  That made bruise number two for the day.   This one is above his left eye.  I gave him "medicine" (baby ibuprofen) and he let me put some ice on it. 

Then after his nap, he wanted to help me make dinner and sat on the counter. He's done it a million times so I'm not sure what happened but I turned my back for a second and he fell on his head. Again. This time he got a bruise in between the other two.  He asked for medicine and ice again but he still ended up looking like the lumpy dumpy pumpkin from one of his favorite books.  Three nasty bruises in one day.  I don't know what I'm going to do with this kid!  I'm astonished that we haven't made a trip to the ER all bloodied up yet. Knock on wood. I know it's just a matter of time. 

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

What a day, I love the last photo. He has to be thinking, "Ya, so what's the big deal? A kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do." Love, GML