Thursday, December 23, 2010

Always be my baby

I finally came to grips with reality and decided to get Beau's hair cut.  I really liked his wild, crazy curls but it was getting a little unruly.  Part of the reason I didn't want to cut it was because I knew he'd look older and I'm in no hurry for him to grow up.  Ok, he can potty train and then it has to stop!

Last shot of the curls.  He did so well in the chair. He sat very patiently and although he didn't care for getting water squirted on his head, he did ok.

The ponytail.  It's of course saved for posterity.

Such a big boy!

First appearance of baby neck meat! Oh how I love nibbling back there!

And just like that, in less than 10 minutes, I have a little boy.
He did promise me that he'll always be my baby boy though. I think it's the only thing that saved me from bawling my eyes out.

While all that was going on, Lainey was keeping herself busy.

And I discovered how to get her to smile nicely for the camera.  Have her look in a mirror.

This is what I got when I asked her to smile for me. 
I gotta get some mirrors.

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