Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The emergency haircut

I finally got to get Lainey's hair cut. The weather shut down most everything but I found a salon in the village that was open this morning.  We bundled up and walked down.  Beau is definitely not fond of the cold weather and started protesting the second he saw his snow pants and boots.  I put socks on his hands because he pulls his mittens off and then his hands are freezing.

Lainey before


and after.

Laineybug, you are beautiful no matter if you have long or short hair. But I'm asking you, please, pretty please, do not cut your hair anymore! Especially since, just after you got your hair cut today, you told Daddy, "That was super fun!"

Love you always, always, always,  Mommy

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

You're right, she is beautiful with long or short hair. Love, GML