Monday, November 22, 2010

First Snow and an unintentional haircut

Lainey got a hold of some scissors last night and gave herself some layers.  I know it was bound to happen at some point but it makes me sad nonetheless.  Not because she cut her hair but because I know in order to fix it, she's going to have short hair and that will make her look older.  One more reminder she's not a baby anymore but a little girl.  This photo is from this morning.  It's not a great shot but she doesn't really pose for photos so it's the best I could do. 

The bigger news is that we woke up to snow on the ground this morning!  Lainey looked outside and said, "It's snowing! It's snowing on my house! It's snowing on my slide! It's snowing on the steps!" etc etc and I stress-ETC!  Then she went to front window and said, "Oh my goodness! It's snowing over here too!"  So after breakfast, we headed out to play.  I am so glad I bought them snowpants and mittens last week! 
We might not get a ton of snow, but we sure know how to make the best of it!

Daddy taught them how to throw snowballs. Lovely.

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

The haircut isn't too wiped out. The bangs or one whole side are the most clipped areas. This looks salvagable. Love their snowsuits. Beau's is guylike and Lainey's is bubbly. We are headed for snow on Thanksgiving. A storm to be exact. Miss you all. GML