Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Two seconds after I thought to myself, "this is going ok, I can handle these two by myself just fine," they lost their minds and I lost control for the rest of the night.  I didn't even say it out loud! How did they know what I was thinking?  It's 7:47pm and they are both in bed. Not asleep but in bed at least.  One more day/night.  I can do this.
Thank goodness Daddy isn't going to be gone more than another day.  I'd have to call in reinforcements. Or the National Guard or Red Cross since the house looks like a tornado hit it. 

1 comment:

Piper said...

haha, I like your kids. Let's get together this next week or soon after because my daughter is suddenly obsessed with yours. She thinks every pair of shoes, no matter where we got them, came from Lainey because that is where the yellow crocs came from. Crazy girly!