Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Storm 2010

Last night our backyard looked like this.  I haven't seen wind and snow like this in a long time, never in Seattle actually.  I dreamt the shingles came off the roof it was blowing so hard.

The view this morning.  Very cold and sunny.  As you can see, Cooper tried to go up the stairs this morning, gave up and peed by the back door. What a wuss!

Schools have been closed for two days and I just read they will be closed tomorrow as well. That's one nice Thanksgiving break!  From our local news station:

The area's frigid temperatures are rivaling the great cold snap over Thanksgiving weekend in 1985. Highs today have been in the mid 20s and lows tonight are dropping to eye-popping levels.

Seattle's preliminary high was 25 degrees and the 49-degree swing between that and the record 74 degrees we had on Nov. 3 has smashed the record for largest range of high temperatures in the month of November -- and the second closest that I found was 39 degree spread in 1955 (21 low, 60 high).

But 25 will seem toasty compared to where we're heading tonight as clear skies, fairly light winds and snow on the ground is the hat trick of ingredients needed for record low temperatures. Lows will drop into the mid teens in Seattle (record low: 16 set in 1985. Forecasted low: 15) but we're looking at single digits for usual cold spots like Olympia, North Bend, Arlington and Shelton. So road ice will continue to be of high concerns and take great care in that any melted snow from the sun today will freeze very hard tonight.

For their snowman they had to use M&M's for eyes and I'm not sure what was used for the nose.  The kids just came in from outside and I learned that a bird or something got one of the eyes and either Lainey or Beau ate the other. Beau bullied the snowman by taking its hat and poking at it and now it's looking pretty sad.

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