Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dinner and a show

If you haven't heard, Toy Story 3 came out on video today.  I preordered it on Amazon awhile back and it was delivered last night, a full day before it was available in stores! Robert took Lainey to see it in the theater and to mark this momentous occasion, we let the kids eat their dinner while watching the movie.  Beau did pretty well but didn't sit for much of the movie once his food was gone. Lainey I had to spoon feed because she was so preoccupied with the show.  
Lainey has been asking me all morning if she can watch it again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this means she's over the Benji phase. 


Deanna said...

How cute, you guys are such great parents!

Mary Liz said...

I second that emotion!