Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Year and a Half

Happy Smurf Day Beau!  I didn't forget your special day. It's been a busy day today but I wanted to get something on here.  You are 18 months old today, a whole year and a half. You weigh 23 pounds (20th percentile) and are 33 inches tall (80th percentile). You are the only one in this family that is tall and skinny!  I will write more tomorrow but know that you continue to have Daddy and I scratching our heads with how fast you are growing and changing. You rock little dude!
I love you. Always, always, always!



Mary Liz said...

What a kissable face. Happy Smurf Day!! Love G & G Daivs

Mary Liz said...

Excuse me, DAVIS XOX