Monday, July 26, 2010


We arrived home last night from Boston. On our way home, Robert asked me what my top 3 favorite things were about the city.  To be completely honest, my top three choices were food. That doesn't make for a very interesting blog post so I'll use categories. Today's is the food:

If you ever get a chance to order a Lobster Roll, do it.  Do not pass go. Do not collect $100.  Get one. It's that good. It will rock your world.  It's chunks of lobster, melted butter on a soft roll. It's life changing and at $25 is the best sandwich you'll ever eat and worth every penny. We ate there twice and both times, I ordered this sandwich.
Lobster tails and Canoli. I'll use any excuse to visit DiLaurenti's in the market just so I can order a cannoli and those that have great memories will remember that Robert brought me back some lobster tails from Carlo's Bakery in New Jersey.  We spent more time in the North End of Boston than anywhere else.  One reason is the restaurant that serves the lobster roll is up there, the other is the plethora of italian restaurants and bakeries.  The lobster tail is a dough that is shaped like a lobster tail and filled with a custard that is comprised of whipped cream, cream cheese and ricotta.  Simply delicious and HUGE!

Oysters. Previous to this trip, the last time I ate oysters was on my first date with Robert. I didn't care for them way back then and wasn't any more excited about them on this trip. I decided to give them a shot and was hooked.  I couldn't muster the courage to order them at the outdoor festival that was going on but did have some at the airport.  I'm planning on trying our west coast oysters in the near future to compare the two.
In the end, we each gained a few pounds from the trip. But it was worth every bite!


Deanna said...

OMG, all of it looks awesome!

Mary Liz said...

Food, anywhere, is the what seals the trip. Glad it was memorable.