Monday, July 12, 2010


   We had some very special guests from North Dakota and had a busy, fun (I hope) week while Robert was in Singapore.  Beau met his other set of grandparents for the first time and he and my dad quickly became best friends.  It was wonderful to see them together.
Other than when he was asleep, this might have been the only moment that Beau sat still!

Ok, so he's sitting still here but this little man is seriously on the move a lot! Bugging Grandma while she tries to update her blog.  They really enjoyed having people other than me to bug.  Their Aunt Lacy in particular was a HUGE hit. But she deserves her own blog entry.  I loved having them here and as soon as they drove away I started to miss them.  I have a ton of pics to go through from the last week. And Grandma Mary Liz still needs to send me some of the pics that she got. Hint hint!! ;)

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