Sunday, July 18, 2010

Random thoughts and photos to go with

Lainey has been getting more than her fair share of time-outs lately. Sometimes she complies, sometimes she fights it. Sometimes she changes her behavior, sometimes not.

The majority of the time however, she has company in the corner.

Just look at these cuties just coloring away. Well, one of them is anyway.

I gave him a yellow marker on purpose.  And not two seconds later....

you see why.

I couldn't keep this girl contained in a crib past 21 months.  But she's obsessed with getting in her brother's. She has already shown him how to get in it. I pray every night that she doesn't show him how to get out.  If he does figure it out, I'll put them in the same room together and see who crashes first. 

Can you think of a better start to Sunday morning than a chocolate donut and a balloon?  For the record, he'd already eaten his weight in blueberries and raspberries along with a bowl of oatmeal before Daddy showed up with donuts. 

Not a random shot but had to throw it in.  I love having two handsome men to smooch.

I don't know why I love this pic. I just do. It says summer to me.

When I look at this I can hear them both laughing.

And last but not least, this is how Lainey started her Saturday morning.  She starts almost every morning with a bug hunt but this time seemed to be really intent on finding some "ant bullies."


Mary Liz said...

Sure do miss everybody; the pics make it sting even more. Love, GML

Jen said...

Too cute! These are great pics! Looking forward to catching up with you guys next week!