Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Boston Part II

My favorite place we visited-Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. It's the oldest baseball park in the nation.  We were hoping to catch a game but they were playing Seattle in Seattle (what luck we have huh?) so we took a tour of the ballpark instead.

The oldest seats in baseball. They are actually still used and after sitting in them for just 10 minutes, I sure hope they don't charge much for those tickets!

We also took a tour of Harvard. Word to the wise, don't do the "Hahvad" tour. It was not very informative and was more like a new student orientation tour.   We did get to see the window from which Matt Damon looked out during his freshman year at Harvard.  
We also learned that this statue of John Harvard is full of errors. 
1. It's not really John Harvard but one of his relatives
2. He was not the founder of Harvard but instead donated a ton of books to the school.
3. The school was founded a few years before the date on this statue.
The one thing that stuck with me was that until 1999, women received a different diploma than the men when they graduated from Harvard. You see, originally, women were not allowed into Harvard. They attended a different school, a few miles away. Professors would teach the men, then go over and teach the women the exact same material yet they didn't graduate with a Harvard diploma.  And don't even get me started on why it took til 1999!

Last, but not least, we took refuge from the heat at Cheers.  I don't know how they filmed that show in that small of a set.  Seeing the photos and set made me want to see the show again. Hopefully TVLand or some network will air it again.

Robert in "John the Lawyer's" seat. We still can't recall who that guy was. I wanted to sit in Carla's spot but a tour group came in and took up all the seats.

Those are my top three sites we visited. I didn't put the North End in there simply because I covered that with yesterday's post.  We spent more time there than anywhere else. What can I say? Without kids, you are so much more free to eat when, where and what you want!


Mary Liz said...

Cool tour shots and cool skirts. Are those the new shoes? They too are cool.

Momma said...

LOVE that you went to Cheers! How fun!