Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Aunt Lulu

My littlest sister Lacy, aka Lulu, also came out to visit. She just turned 13 in May.  Lainey and Beau fell in love with her and I can't blame them. She took such good care of them and played with them endlessly.  She gave them baths almost every night, didn't hesitate to change poopy diapers or to help Lainey in the bathroom, loved doing Lainey's hair and dressing both of them. She was in a nutshell, a freakin spectacular helper! She seemed to have an intuition as to what they needed, whether it was Beau's nap, a snack, or some downtime.  All she asked for was cous cous and to be taken to the mall which we didn't end up doing until the very last day. I wish she lived closer so I could have her babysit more often.  A good babysitter, let alone a great one, is darn near impossible to find.  It's been my experience that when one finds a good babysitter, you guard their phone number with your life.  If she lived here, I wouldn't give out her number to ANYONE and keep her all to myself! 
 Lainey and Beau could blow bubbles for hours. 

Containing two naked bathtub escapees AND trying to brush one's hair is no easy task!

She knows how to have fun and share a good snack

Entertaining the youngest little nut 

Even when she didn't feel like being jumped on for the 100th time by said nut

Not afraid of some toxic diapers, even though the rest of us, me included, ran and hid

She even patiently indulged us on an educational excursion to the Ballard Locks. Ok, maybe not that patiently, but she didn't complain much!

And last but not least, always available for kisses, hugs and cuddles.

Thank you so much Lacy. You really made the week fun and a lot less stressful for me. 
We love you very much and REALLY hope you can come to Hawaii with us!


Piper said...

fun! Bringing a good sitter on vacation is the best--not that I speak from experience, but how can it not be??? You get some kid free time, they get an awesome trip, and the kids get someone they love--win win win!

Mary Liz said...

omg this is lacy yu are so nice i love yu i apreciate that,that means so much to me and i hope i can come to hawaii with them and i hope yu learn how to do her hair like i did i miss yu soo much all of yu thanx for having us out there we had a great time just about cried tears of joy when i ready this and member omg laurens such a babe!!!!!haha good times with my awesome pretty sisters that have cute clothes (coon catcher girls)

Mary Liz said...

The real Mary Liz writes without text lingo and is a firm believer in puncuation. I am a victim of stolen identity. OMG!!

On a lighter note: Lacy you were an awesome girl with L & B. All my nagging and correcting over the years (when you plugged your ears and scrunched your eyes) may have paid off. Love to all!!