Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When blueberries attack and other random thoughts

Unlike most of the country, I was NOT rooting for the Saints to win the Super Bowl.  This was the first time I can remember where I had no interest in it.  Usually, there's at least the commercials. Nope, not this year. I'm still smarting over the Viking's season and just couldn't face it.  Instead, after packing in the morning, I went shopping with my friend Amy. Unfortunately, it was still on when I got home and I was forced to see the end.   Lainey kept saying it was the Seahawks (don't we wish?!) and Beau was just happy to finally get his hands on the remote.  I just love his toes!  You can always count on the toes on one foot being clenched.  

And finally, is this not the cutest, most handsome boy you've ever seen?  Not only is adorable, he's sweet, funny AND smart! He's the perfect man!  Well, once he gets taller than 30 inches he will be!  He totally has me wrapped around his little finger. 

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Cute... the blueberry shot looks like he is saying, "you got a problem lady?" How 'bout a Lainey shot? Love, GML