Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Days!?

It's crunch time around here. The house looks like hit was hit with a tornado quickly followed by an earthquake.  There are boxes everywhere and we have to be careful where we put them. Beau uses them as stairs and was seen sitting at the kitchen table the other day.  Those that are either empty of partially filled often have a sock, toy or shoe in them as he likes to put stuff into things.  He threw away a pair of Lainey's socks last night.  I fished them out but the silver lining is that at least he threw away both of them. I would've gone crazy trying to find just one.

In password news, if you leave a comment here, include your email address so I can respond quickly.  I haven't decided just when I'll make it password protected.  According to my trusty map on the right, there are some frequent visitors in places I don't know anyone, or at least, I don't think I do.  Please show yourselves! I welcome having visitors to the blog, it makes me feel important even though I know we're just another  family in the burbs. 

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