Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday, old man!  When we met 13 years ago, 40 sure seemed a long way away, didn’t it?  I would have never thought that at 40 we would be where we are.  About to move to an area we dreamed about when we were dating,  two cute kids that idolize their Daddy, and just as in love as ever.  And you’re still my best friend.  Thank you for that.  
I am so, so, so unbelievably lucky to have you as my husband and Lainey and Beau are just as lucky to have you as their Daddy.  You are such an amazing man.  So intelligent, funny, patient, and selfless.  Thank you for being such a great Dad and for giving him such a good example to look up to.  
I don’t know how this next decade can ever top the last.  So many great things happened to us in our 30’s.  But, I’m excited to see what our 40’s (although I still have a whole year left of being a 30-something!) have in store for us.  As long as we’re together I know we’ll have a ton of fun, laugh a lot, and be as happy as ever!  And if you ask me, you just get better with age! 
I love you with you all my heart and soul,

Happy Birthday! Here's to another 40 years!

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