Monday, July 20, 2009

Mommy says she can't believe I'm going to be 6 months old next week and that I'm growing up way too fast. Personally, I can't get big fast enough. She likes me little but I want to be big so I can chase my sister and her friends and play with all of Lainey's toys. I really really want to catch Cooper and chew on him. He looks like he would taste pretty good. He's pretty quick though and tends to run off whenever I grab that fluffy tail of his. I love to jump and bounce and would be happy doing that all day long but Mommy and Daddy get tired pretty quick. Mommy says that Lainey is the climber and that I'm shaping up to be the one who leaps off of things. Not sure what that means but I like the sound of it! She's so funny! She makes me laugh like no one else. I also like food and love to get my hands on it. I really wanted Mommy's steak last night and was this close to having it but she caught me. I'll have to add steak to my list of things I'm going to enjoy when I get big enough to eat something other than the mush she gives me.
This is my new favorite toy. If you don't have one, you should because it's great! I love it!

If I could just get going I know I could catch Cooper

My seal impression. I think it's pretty good.


Deanna said...

The last picture looks like he's doing a sky diving impression!

Mary Liz said...

I want to come and visit in the worst way! The pics make it even more tantalizing. Love, GML