Monday, July 27, 2009

6 months

One Month

My sweet boy,

I can hardly believe you are 6 months old already! It feels like yesterday that I first held you and fell in love. These past 6 months have been an adventure that is for sure! What you have been up to so far-You are a busy little guy! You rolled over at 3 1/2 months and have been on the move ever since. Now you seem to flip instead of roll and you push yourself backwards across the floor, sometimes ending up half under the sofa! You can't seem to sit still and love stand and jump on my lap. Your absolute favorite toy is the doorway jumper though. You use one foot to get yourself spinning and swinging in it and all the while laughing. Making eye contact and getting us to smile at you is something you are very good at. At around 4 months you showed a strong interest in eating something other than formula and got to try cereal. You took to eating solid foods very well and we soon moved on to jarred food. You now love carrots, peach rice banana and plum banana oatmeal. I never have to worry if you are getting grab the spoon or my hand and guide it to your mouth! Your two bottom teeth made their grand entrance at 5 months, after a long, aggravating few weeks. You've learned how to get up on your hands and knees and have started rocking back and forth. I think you are going to figure out how to crawl soon. And believe me, I am so NOT thrilled at that idea! Some of your other favorite things: watching your sister, reaching for Cooper, talking to Daddy and listening to him read stories and laughing at all of us.

I can't wait for you to reveal more pieces of your personality. You are such a happy, sweet baby and I can't imagine my life without you sweet pea. You were the missing piece of our family and now we are complete. I love that you are my son and so honored to be your mom. Your beautiful blue eyes and your laugh are my favorite things of all. You make me laugh every day and often Beau.

My mom, Grandma Cindy, used say it was your "smurf day" to mark each month as we got older. I have no idea why. She could be silly sometimes. So to carry on that tradition and silliness, Happy Smurf Day Beau!

Love you always always always,

Three months

6 months

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Maybe she called them Smurf days because they are little birthdays and smurfs are little...?