Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Children's Museum

It was my week to plan this week's playdate for my mom's group. I haven't made it to too many of our outings recently but decided we all needed to get out of the house. Deanna was nice enough to join us in going to the Children's Museum in Everett. It's a toddler's paradise. Lots to climb on, touch, look at and just explore. Even Beau was fascinated so we give it 3 thumbs up!
This place is pretty cool Mom! The colors in the picture of Lainey going down the slide just didn't look right so I converted it to black and white. I tip my hat to Deanna for catching her coming down it though. My P&S camera has a horrible shutter lag.

This was the first time the weather was nice enough for us to visit the roof. It's very cool up there and we'll definitely be bringing Daddy here.

All during the day Beau would lean back for a snuggle. Hands down the best part of my day!
This is for Lips. There's a neat airplane exhibit with seats and everything.

This is the face I get when I ask her to say, "cheese." Definitely cheesy!

The water room is always a big hit

1 comment:

Piper said...

oh, that looks like a fun place. I should take Áine up there. Beau is so cute with his snuggles. I remember when Áine did is so sweet.