Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick Update

Just a quick update on the Reid Quartet. Robert and Lainey have an awful stomach flu and are miserable. I'm praying Beau and I don't get it. Thankfully, Robert's mom is here with us and is a tremendous help! Not to mention a great cook! Robert's dad was here yesterday vacuuming and shampooing the carpets and rugs that have been contaminated and is planning on shampooing the rest of the carpets today. I'm so lucky to have such fantastic in-laws. I probably won't get a chance to upload and post pictures for awhile. I haven't even taken any pictures for a few days.

Beau is doing wonderfully. He is a fabulous sleeper and is such an easygoing baby. His umbilical cord stump fell off this morning so once his circumcision heals, that boy is getting a bath! He's a sweet cuddly little guy and you can hardly tell there's a baby in the house he's so quiet.


Mary Liz said...

I have been thinking and praying for the whole clan. So glad you have some help. Love GML

P.S. Your dad has had a terrible cold. He surfaced this am, after a three day hibernation. The bear has his fur back. XOX

Karlyn Frantsen said...

Sorry you have a bug in your house! Hope everyone is o.k. today. Have missed seeing entries in your blog. Looking forward to seeing more pictures and hearing about your new addition! Karlyn