Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lainey and the giant Elmo balloon

Aunt Nan bought Lainey an Elmo balloon after we brought Beau home. Lainey is 1) obsessed with balloons, and 2) in love with all things Elmo. The balloon has been a huge hit....with Lainey. Her parents-not so much. Lainey insists on holding the balloon wherever she goes. When she is done with it, she hands it to someone else to hold. You are not allowed to clip it to anything, you must hold it until she wants it back. Since this is next to impossible, Elmo takes long naps in the spare room and comes out for playdates.
Grammy Reid stayed with us for a few days while Lainey and Robert were sick. We were sad to see her leave yesterday as she took such good care of all of us. Lainey especially loves playing and cuddling with her Grammy. We're already planning fun things for us to do when she comes to stay with us while Daddy is in Mexico in a couple of weeks.
My first picture of me with both of my kids. It still feels weird to say, "kids" as in plural! But in a really REALLY good way!!
I finally found some time to do a little photo session with Beau.


Mary Liz said...

Love the photos. I am green with envy over Grandma Reid's spot on the couch. Wish is were moi! Love, GML

Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Lainey,
Benjamin is so envious of your Elmo balloon! He LOVES him too! (: You are such a great big sister to mister Beau!
Love, Benjamin's momma

Anonymous said...

Such sweet pictures....Love to you all.