Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa brought me a new lens for my camera and I tried it out today while Lainey was taking a bath. It may just be me but I think she's even cuter!! This marked the first time that she looked at the camera AND smiled without me having to make noises or sing songs to get her attention! I hope she continues! I like the first one the best but her smile in the second one is just irrestible (like the rest of her little body) to me.


Deanna said...

I didn't think it was possible, but she is cuter! That kid gets more adorable every time I see her. And when she says "hi Nan" I just melt!

Mary Liz said...

Great shots of great girl. Yes, she is cuter than ever. GML

Team Turcotte said...

Us camera types want to know what lens type? Pst.... she is cute - look at her parents!