Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is it just me?

I've been thinking about quitting Facebook lately.  I don't know if it's the election and all the mean posts that seem to dominate it or what but it just isn't fun anymore.  And since I've joined Facebook, I haven't updated this blog or taken as many photos with a camera that doesn't have a phone. Seriously, who uses the phone anymore? It's just a camera with a phone to me these days. And I am not one of those people that can take super cool pics with their phone and do Instagram. Have I stunted my growth as a photographer with Facebook?  I think I need to find more creative, rewarding outlets for my energy and time. 

These two are growing up way too fast and I'm not documenting our lives as well as I'd like to.  


Mary Liz said...

You're back, hooray! If you are like me it will be short lived. But I don't want to be a downer, PLEASE prove me wrong. I love the fall pics. I will be stealing a few for updates in the frames. XOX

Nicole Reid said...

Be careful printing the ones I've posted. I web sharpened them and supposedly, they don't print well. I can email you the copies for print.

Karen said...

I've missed your posts on this blog. I'm hoping to hear more about your family via your wonderful pictures.