Saturday, October 20, 2012

A rare, dry, fall day

It's very rare for us to see dry leaves on the ground in the fall.  When it happens, it's fleeting because fall equals rain here.  So when I saw these leaves on the ground outside school and the forecast called for a dry day, I grabbed my camera before we picked up Lainey and set about bribing the kids to get some pics. 

 Not his best smile but the smile I see quite often, making it his smile. 

 Ms. Sassy Pants attempting a glamour pose. 
 The sweetest, more tenderhearted, sensitive person I have ever met.  Just don't ask her to share her ice cream. 

 One day, maybe flattery will work with these two. For now, a set of raquetballs and a book do the trick.

Some more pics of all the kids playing. What a memorable fall day and reason #143 that I love our neighborhood. 

1 comment:

Piper said...

I Have not been thinking about quitting facebook, but have been thinking I need to get back to making my blog the priority rather than using facebook to post my pictures so I totally know what you mean.

Great fall pictures you got there!