Friday, June 8, 2012

Miracles to happen

I have a blog post (or 10) from our Hawaiian adventure but am a little overwhelmed with ideas. So, I'll just procrastinate for a bit longer.  One wonderful side effect if you will, of our vacation is that Lainey seems to have taken a liking to having her picture taken.  After 8 days of hounding, pleading, nagging, bribing, and all out groveling on my part, something clicked and now she's very cooperative.  As you can imagine, I am on cloud nine!  Ever the sneaky Mommy, I've been making a point of taking her picture every couple of days just to keep the idea fresh in her mind. And boy am I loving it!

This is just a sample of our little photoshoot this afternoon.  Never have I gotten such great eye contact and lovely smiles. Thank you SO much Bug! I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking pictures of you beautiful girl!

1 comment:

Piper said...

These are great Nicole! You do a great job getting the brown in her eyes to show, I love when I can't do that in pics of my kids and it is way more challenging to do than blue eyes.