Monday, May 18, 2009

The Twos

I noticed on the ticker to the left that Lainey is 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days today and thought it was worth noting. That's gotta be significant right? I have absolutely no faith in my math skills but I think that at 5:56pm today we can add 2 hours to end of that. In my head we will at least! I just might buy a lottery ticket today in her honor.

Not only does my girl like caterpillars, she also likes to hold and play with worms. I love that she's a tomboy that loves cute shoes and wearing ponytails!


Piper said...

you should buy 2!

Mary Liz said...

Wow, I wish I were there to give her two (or more) kisses. She is a treasure!! Love, GML