Thursday, May 28, 2009

4 months

My sweet boy is 4 months old today! Your doctor's appt was yesterday and you are a growing boy at 14 lbs, 12 oz (49.7%) and 25.3" (68.1%) long. You seem tiny compared to Lainey. In fact, you ARE smaller than your sister but it's because she was huge and you are almost exactly average size. I love it because I feel like I get to hang onto the baby stage a little longer. What you're up to this month: smiling and laughing comes to mind first, followed by blowing raspberries (bubbles). Your favorite thing in the world is to interact with people and get Daddy and I to smile back at you. You are ticklish and love it when Mommy plays with you. You started rolling from your back to your tummy a couple of weeks ago and as soon as we put you down, off rolling you go! You are not a fan of being on your tummy, swaddling or feeding time and sometimes I have to swaddle you to get you to eat so that has been a challenge for both of us.. We finally got rid of that nasty thrush infection and both you and I are a lot happier! You just started playing in your doorway jumper and stationary jumper and love being able to look around the room. You often look at us with an expression that seems to say you are frustrated with being little and not being able to move much. I imagine you'll be up and running the very second you're strong enough. But could you stay my little baby for a just little longer please?

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

How cute he is!!! Happy 4 months little boy. I keep hounding Grandpa we need to make a long weekend trip out to the Emerald City to see two special kids. (And three special big kids!) I'll keep after him. Love, GML