Saturday, May 9, 2009

However motherhood comes to you, it's a miracle. -Valerie Harper

There are a lot of mother's in my thoughts lately. Not just my own, but all the adoptive mothers, first time mothers, birthmothers, and plain old regular mothers. [Just kidding about the last part.] I obviously have a special place in my heart for birthmothers, two in particular. Without them, I would not be celebrating Mother's Day at all. And adoptive mothers are just extra special in my book! I know a couple of first time mothers who have waited a long time and went through a lot in trying to achieve their dream of becoming a mother. I hope they have a very wonderful Mother's Day. There's nothing like your first Mother's Day. This is just my third Mother's Day and it didn't take long for me to see my mother in a whole new light. This motherhood business is not for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach! It's the hardest thing I've done so far and I know it's not going to get any easier as they get older. But it's all worth it when I get hugs and kisses from Lainey, and smiles and giggles from Beau. Actually, having a partner in all this that supports me 100% is what truly gets me through the day. I know Robert is looking out for me and that we are a team no matter what.
Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers!

1 comment:

Piper said...

Oh, such a blessing. I am so thrilled you have been given the gift of motherhood. Back in the SSW days I always thought you would be such a great mother and there were many moments I prayed it would happen for you. Your little ones are so cute!