Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random Moments

The beautiful sound of "Hi!"when she sees me walk into her bedroom
Her little finger tapping my chest saying "Mama"
The smile I get as she runs away from me or when she's chasing me-literally the thrill of the chase
Watching her run down the street, arms flailing, hair flying, certain she's going to fall at any second and amazed when she doesn't
Complete confidence swinging on the big kids swing, saying "weeee!"
The shy side of her personality coming out when she meets someone new--typically a man
Unasked for but very welcome kisses
Watching her pick up something and name it, not knowing til that moment that she knew the word for whatever treasure she discovered
Ticklish spots, sweet smiles, sleepy head resting on my shoulder, all un-photographical moments but blissful memories that will last forever in my heart

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