Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mommy's Little Nudist

So as if yesterday (and all week for that matter) wasn't enough of a challenge, last night capped it off just perfectly. I just about always go in and check on Lainey before I go to bed. Lately she has been taking her pajama top or bottoms off, sometimes both. Well, last night I walked in and did a double take. Was that really a bare tush I saw?! There she was, all curled up on her stomach with her knees tucked underneath her, sound asleep clutching one of the 8 toys in her crib. I immediately laughed (very quietly so as to not wake the little exhibitionist), then went and grabbed my camera. I know, bad mommy! But since I'm not posting the pictures I don't feel too bad. I just needed to have proof. So after I stopped giggling I realized that I need to get a diaper on the girl. I finally got one on her and by the way, it is much harder to put a diaper on backwards than it is from the front! I also realized that she had already wet the bed and there was no way I was going to pull her out of bed to change the sheets so I grabbed a towel and covered the wet half of her mattress with it.

So now I'm on a hunt for pajamas that she can't take off. If anyone knows of anything, please let me know. I'm thinking long sleeve onesies and some pants but so far I can't even find just plain long sleeves onesies. Why is it I can never find the item I need when I need it but I see it all over when I don't?

Thanks for the laugh Laineybug! Even in your sleep you are one of the funniest people I know! Now would you please keep your clothes on?

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