Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life is good

I had to be somewhere tonight, which is rare for me. I literally ran out the door the minute Robert pulled in the driveway and didn't get back until about 7:30p. I was maybe gone an hour and a half--not that long. The greeting I got from Lainey made me want to be out more often. I got hugs and kisses and big smiles. Then the three of us spent the rest of the evening chasing each other around the kitchen with Lainey's squeals getting louder and louder. We let her stay up past her bedtime because WE were having too much fun playing with her, watching her race off and hearing her laugh when we caught her. Nights like this are just one example of the things I envisioned while waited for her and way better than I ever dared to dream. I wish we had got it on video. We were just caught up in the moment and didn't want it to end. My life is good!

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