Tuesday, September 2, 2008

18 months

My sweet Lainey,

I can't believe you're 18 months old already. A YEAR AND A HALF! It seems like just yesterday we were walking around the house trying to get you to burp in the middle of the night with your little face tucked into mine or daddy's neck, only to discover that you were already back asleep before that ever important burp. As I type this you are playing in the playroom all by yourself, and I can hear you putting shapes into your shape sorter. You like to put them in the wrong holes. I think it's just to see if they will indeed fit and you usually find a way to squeeze them in. When it gets quiet in there I know you are probably sitting on the floor surrounded by a big pile of books. When I try to put them back on the shelf, you take them all back down again. You are getting to be such a big girl now and every day show us a new part of your personality. Daddy and I always talk about how precious you are and after he puts you to bed at night he often has tears in his eyes. You melt his heart like nothing I have ever seen before. You love to talk and always try saying new words, you're up to about 60 with your favorite being "Up!" Lately you have also started chuckling. All it takes is for us to look at you a certain way and you chuckle like crazy! You are so independent and on the go and the sound of you running through the house is music to our ears. You love to give kisses and we relish every sloppy one. Your favorite part of the day is when Ellie, Paige or Sam is available for playtime. You like for the girls to be wearing necklaces and usually share yours. Watching you and Paige interact and squeal together is so sweet and funny. I'm sure the two of you will be great friends. But above everything else, except maybe (and I'm not convinced about this) me, you love Elmo! He must be in bed with you at night, daddy and I have to give Elmo kisses and he also gets to read books with you at bedtime. If he could take a bath, I'm sure he'd be in there too!

Watching you grow and learn new things is the best experience of my life. When I walk into your room in the morning, that moment right before you see me is the best moment of my day. The happy look you give me fills my heart with joy. Then, I do as you say and lift you up. There is nothing we wouldn't do for you bug. We want you to always know how loved and desperately wanted you are.

See you in the morning Sweet Pea,

Love Always, Mama

Saying "Cheese" for the camera

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Your Dad and I just finished reading the special tribute to the big girl of 18 months. We couldn't be happier for you all. Love G & G