Friday, September 26, 2008

Big Day

Boy, was yesterday was a very long day. We got up at 4am, flew to Spokane, met our awesome birthmother Jennifer, and flew home at 8pm last night. Lainey handled the chaos extremely well-making lots of new friends on the flight home, enjoying some not so good for you but boy do they taste good snacks, and coloring in her books. Boy did we get a nice tour of Spokane via the rental car while Lainey napped in the backseat! Anyone see the theme here yet? If not, check out the picture below. (For those that can't tell what we're looking at, this is a shot from below with his little legs on each side)

We went our for Chinese food for dinner and at the end the server brought 5 fortune cookies. We didn't realize there was an extra one until there was just one sitting on the plate. We realized it was the baby's (otherwise known as Beaux for now) and I melted when I read the fortune:

"You will bring sunshine into someone's life."

You already have little guy!


Deanna said...

That fortune part brought tears to my eyes. I am so excited! We get to have one of each!

Mary Liz said...

Grandma and Grandpa Davis are so excited. Yes, we get to have one of each from the Nic and Robert camp. We are so happy for you all. Love, G & G

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

Boy oh Boy, do you know how to bring tears to a mommy's eyes and Boy will you love having a boy. We are so happy that you three will soon be four.