Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bunny Birthday

Beau insisted he wanted bunnies for his birthday party.  Last fall we attended his friend Annabelle's birthday party and it apparently made quite an impression on him.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to find party supplies and paraphernalia in January that are bunny related AND remotely boyish? Freakin impossible! I was forced to get crafty and make his invitations.  They turned out ok.  It wasn't what I had in my head but as so often happens, the vision in my head rarely translates to real life.  So with a color scheme in hand, invitations mailed, Bunnies for Birthdays booked, and relaxed a bit. Until yesterday.

I told everyone the party started at noon, thinking we'd all eat and then the bunnies would arrive, play for an hour, have cake and be done.  As it turned out, the bunnies were an hour late, leaving this lover of schedules stressed out. I didn't plan any activities for the kids which left nine kids, aged 2-5 running around my house, no bunnies, no cake and not nearly enough booze for their parents.

Just as we started to open presents, the bunnies arrived and a whole new kind of chaos ensued.  I think everyone had fun. I know Beau did and it was his birthday after all.  Now I have to talk Lainey out of having a bunny party for her birthday. No way am I going through all that again!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

I was able to get on to the blog!!! All the pics are great, and now I am lonesome. We have to do something about that, soon!! Miss you all, Love GML