Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First day of school x2

This week Lainey and Beau both started preschool. Lainey is in pre-k and this is Beau's first year of preschool. They are going to the same school, opposite days so we visit school 5 days a week. So fun for Mommy.  It's been an interesting week so far for all of us. Finding our groove has been challenging. More for me I think.  I'm loving the one on one time I get to spend with each of them though and how they miss each other.  

I've taken a photo of Lainey on her first day of preschool every year on our front porch. The first year we lived in Lynnwood but hopefully (fingers crossed), all of her pictures will be on our "new" front porch.  She didn't have a problem going to back to school at all. She loves school and vanished into the classroom before I could give her a kiss goodbye.  She made a new friend immediately and is looking forward to play dates.  

I decided to make it a tradition to take their pictures in front of the door.  It will be fun to see how they've grown and changed from one year to the next.  I'm working on a craft project to add to it in time for kindergarten next year. 

Beau had the exact opposite reaction to his first day of school.  The night before, he woke up crying, telling us he did not want or need us to go on a date. He's in a phase where he doesn't like us leaving him with sitters, not even his aunt.  The morning of preschool he cried after I took his picture, cried walking into the school and really cried when we got into his classroom.  I got a call from one of the teachers 15 minutes after we dropped him off, letting me know he was having a great time and had already played with about 134 things and was showing off his "cool shirt."  He's even excited to go back tomorrow!

As for me, I love having each of them one on one and it's so much easier trying to do well, really ANYTHING, with just one kid.  Along with school starting, they each started gymnastics, and of course they go on different days so I'm adjusting to a new schedule just as much as they are. 

 I can't believe my baby is a preschooler already though.  And I try not to think of Lainey starting kindergarten next year.  These years are definitely too short. There's so many days I'd like to hit the Re-Do button on, whether it's to do a better job parenting or to soak in the sweet moments one more time.  We're in a really good phase right now and I'm loving it and soaking it up as much as possible. 


Piper said...

Cute pics. I very much can relate to the hitting the re-do button to relive the wonderful and do better with the ugly.

Mary Liz said...

The kids look so satisfied! I like the door idea. Love from us in ND.