Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm trying to make it a point to take more photos that capture our everyday lives.  These two are growing up so fast and I'm afraid I won't remember these crazy, fun and sometimes wild days.  I don't know what happens between ages 4 and 5 but Lainey is looking like a young lady more and more every day.  She tells us daily that she wants to stay little and be a baby and with all of my heart, I wish I could hit the pause button and just savor her smallness.  And Beau, my crazy, smart as a whip little man, has no desire to get out of diapers yet when I hold him tells me that he's peeing on me.  I do look forward to the end of diapers, the only milestone I've ever eagerly anticipated.  I also wish I could record his sweet little voice asking me his million questions, saying, "Excuse me Mommy," and tapping me on the shoulder.  All of it makes my heart ache.  My babies are growing up and while I'm loving the little people they are growing into, I miss the the baby in both of them.   The two of them are becoming great friends and whenever I notice them sitting together, playing nicely, one or both of them asks me to take their picture. They are no stranger to the camera and I love that they want me to capture those fleeting moments.  

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