Monday, April 25, 2011


With the forecast calling for sun and 68 degrees on Saturday, rain and 50 on Easter Sunday, the Easter Bunny decided to visit our house a day early.  We colored eggs on Friday and in the morning discovered he had hid our eggs and left buckets of goodies for us.  I think this is the first time we've colored eggs with the kids.

This is her interpretation of "smile like a princess."  Although it's adorable, her photographer hopes this phase passes quickly.  She dyed all of her eggs pink. It took her awhile to discover her girly side but she is in princess mode full force these days! She does however, still love bugs and worms.  As they lay dying in her hands, she tells them she loves them and that they are her best friends. 

 "I do it myself, Daddy." This boy is very determined to do things on his own. 

Who loves coloring Easter eggs? We do!

The finished product. I loved how vibrant the colors turned out.

 He was so excited to dunk his eggs he could hardly contain himself.

Their Easter baskets (buckets)

 The Easter bunny brought Beau a new friend that has been named Bones.  EB must shop on ebay because Bones matches Bunnz, the pink bunny Lainey received as a baby that Beau has adopted as his best friend.  Apparently Bunnz and Bones are now best friends and don't mind sharing bed space with Beau.

 These two love putting money in their piggy banks so EB put coins in some of the eggs instead of candy.

Beau was excited to discover some of the eggs had B's on them, just for him.

And she was astonished to discover a princess inside an egg.

By the end of the weekend, we'd done all of this, plus visited our house, played in the backyard, blew a million bubbles, went to a birthday party, church and saw our first movie as a family, Rio.  All in all, a fantastic Easter weekend.


Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest picture of the two of them!

Mary Liz said...

Loved all the pictures. I checked late as you can tell by the date. Easter with little kids is so much fun. Love, G & G