Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Beau Man

As promised, some pics of Beau's latest antics.

Apparently pudding tastes much better when you eat it with your fingers acting as a spoon and instead use the spoon as a prop to make everyone laugh.

I feel bad that I don't and won't have many photos of him from 2-2 1/2.  With him in Olympia I'm missing out on so much.  His Grammy tells me of the things he does and says and although I know he's in great hands, but I feel guilty for missing it.  And I know he misses us. Mainly his Daddy, but I hope he misses me just a little.  I'm working on bringing him home earlier than we originally planned.  
We miss the Beau Man!

1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

Holy Toledo!!! No fair either that those beautiful curls should go to a boy and not a needy girl like me. Mercedes also has hair just like her Grandma Lizzie.