Thursday, January 27, 2011


Tomorrow, my baby turns two.  We're not having a party, no big shindig or anything.  We'll do that this summer when we're back in our house together.  It's just going to be us, his favorite aunt and his grandparents, whom he's been living with for almost a month.  We haven't gotten to see the little guy much lately as we've been preparing for the house to be remodeled.  I know he's loved having his grandparents all to himself but we miss him and I constantly have the feeling that I've forgotten something.  A part of me and us as a family is missing.  He is a big personality crammed into a little, but growing body and not having him around leaves a huge void.  I miss his sweet voice, singing songs as he dances around the room, talking to his friends in his crib, all 9 carefully arranged.  When he talks to me on the phone I'm shocked at how grown up he sounds.  

I found this while packing things up. It's my wristband from the hospital when Beau was born.  Seeing it took me back to that cold January night, two years ago. I remember holding him for the first time like it was yesterday.  I fell instantly in love with him and bonded so quickly it overwhelmed me.  The tears flowed freely as I held him in my arms.  My squeaky, tiny little son.  I can't wait for tomorrow to squeeze him and soak in what's left of the baby and watch in awe and what a neat little boy he's becoming.


Momma said...

Oh my goodness. Feels like just yesterday when I was getting your texts from the hospital. What a blessing this little guy is-- and how fortunate is he to have such an amazing family. Amy

The Gwaltney Gang said...

Beau you are truly blessed with the most amazing and loving parent's!! Happy 2nd birthday big guy!!