Friday, January 28, 2011

My little Beau man

Happy Birthday Beau!  Daddy doesn't normally write blog posts since your Mommy is such a creative and witty writer, but your old man is going to give this a try.  Where did these last 2 years go?  Seems like yesterday that your Mommy and I were sitting in the Hospital in Spokane waiting for you to arrive.  I'll never forget watching you being born and watching your Mommy hold you first while cutting your cord.  You completed our little family from the moment you were born.  Having a little boy has been a TON of fun and an adventure at the same time ;)  You are such an amazing little guy and we can't imagine our lives without you.  I know you adore your big sister and believe me, Lainey REALLY loves her little brother.  You two are quite a pair and keep your Mommy and Daddy on our toes.  Your ability to climb pretty much anything from the time you were 1 has baffled everyone we know...we think gymnastics will be in your near future.  To say you have a great memory and a quick mind is an understatement.  You have been able to carry on full conversations for months and know your alphabet, count to 20 and can count to 10 in Spanish!!  Unbelievable...can you slow down just a bit? ;)  And don't get me started on how much you love throwing/playing with balls!  Sports anyone? :)

I'm really looking forward to what this next year will bring for you and our whole family.  You are currently living with Grandpa and Grammy Reid while our house is being remodeled, thus I miss you like crazy on the days I can't see you but I know you are bringing a lot of joy to your grandparents these days.

Enjoy this special day my little Beau man.  Daddy loves you VERY MUCH and I couldn't be prouder to be able to call myself your Daddy.

Love always, always, my pumpkin...


1 comment:

Mary Liz said...

What a lovely note to have for all time. Lainey and Beau are so lucky and loved. GROUP HUG - G & G Davis