Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Surprise

I have a hunch I will be getting hit with questions from impatient relatives in North Dakota for Easter photos. I am late in posting pics because Robert left the next morning for a business trip to Chicago and took the camera I used on Easter Sunday. He took the camera because he knew he was going to the Cubs home opener at Wrigley Field and got fabulous seats in the front row. my Easter card, my aunt Diane sent me this picture of my Dad when he was little. Apparently it's from his Catholic school days when he was required to wear a tie. I love this picture! What a cutie! Thank you Aunt Diane for a great Easter surprise!
P.S. I'll get the photos of the munchkins in their Easter outfits soon. I promise!


Mary Liz said...

What a dude, no wonder I married him. Love, GML

Karlyn Frantsen said...

This is the cutest picture! ! I love it!! karlyn